Torta di carciofi
Tidbits...La frolla è fatta con farina, burro, ricotta e sale. La pasta frolla è così tenera che si scioglie in bocca. Il ripieno è molto saporito.
- Ripieno
- Carciofi - 4 medie tagliate a fette sottille
- o cuore di carciofi congelati - 300 g tagliate a fette
- Limone - Succo di metà
- Carote - 3 Cucchiai tritate
- Olio d'oliva - 3 Cucchiai
- Cipolla bianca - 2 Cucchiai tritate
- Presemolo - 1 Cucchiai tritate
- Ricotta - 300 g
- Uova - 2 grande
- Sale e pepe - q.b.
- Parmigiana Reggiano - 125 g gratuggiato
- Pasta Frolla
- Farina - 200 g
- Burro - 68 g
- Ricotta - 300 g
- Sale - un pizzico
- Make the pastry crust... mix the flour softened butter, ricotta and salt.Per fare la frolla mescolare la farina, burro ammorbidito, la ricotta e sale. Impastare per circa 5 minuti finchè non diventa liscio. Knead the mixture for 5-10 minutes until the dough is smooth. Divide the dough into 2 unequal parts , one twice as large as the other. Roll out the larger piece and place in the bottom of a lightly buttered baking dish. Set aside.
- Trim and clean artichokes. Do not detach the stem, but peel away the green rind all the way downto the pale and tender core. Snap off outer leaves exposing the tender artichoke heart. Trim away all the dark green tops of the remaining leaves. Cut them in half and remove choke then cut them lengthwise into very thin slices. Put them in a bowl with enough water to cover and the juice of half lemon.
- Saute onion, carrot and parsley in the olive oil over medium until onion becomes golden. Drain artichokes, rinse and put them into the saute pan, stirring and coating them for about a minute. At this point you could use frozen artichokes instead. Thawed, cut into thin slices and briefly cooked...about 5 minutes.
- Add salt and freshly ground pepper then 1/2 cup water, and cover the pan. Cook fresh artichokes until tender but not mushy, about 10 minutes.
- Cool completely.
- Mix in ricotta and grated parmesan. Add lightly beaten eggs, taste and correct for salt and pepper.
- Fill the pastry crust with the artichoke mixture. Roll out the 2nd piece of pastry and place overtop. Crimp edges until well sealed.,
- Bake at 375˚F for 45 minutes until golden.