Bufala Ricotta with Prickly Pear Syrup (Marmalade)
Tidbits...This syrup (marmalade) is smooth and clear with a vibrant red-orange color. I like the consistency and use it with panna cotta, several types of cheese, ice cream, yogurt and even pancakes. If you like a more dense texture you can cook 1 or 2 renette apples which thicken the marmalade but the end result is no longer clear and can be used for tarts or pastries.
- Ricotta of bufala - 240 ml
- Prickly pear syrup (marmalade) - 120 ml
- Walnuts - 75 g
Put the ricotta on a serving dish and top with prickly pear syrup and walnuts.
Find recipe for prickly pear marmalade in "pantry"