Ingredient: Vanilla


Tidbits... Castagnole are typical sweets for Carnevale.  By tradition they can be dipped in zabaione or melted dark chocolate....

Sweet Ravioli

Tidbits...Fried Sweet Ravioli with a filling of ricotta and chocolate chips are the perfect indulgence for Carnevale....

Orange Rolls

Tidbits...the aroma of these delicious orange rolls is irresistable!  Just the right sweetness with the citrus marmalade.  Topped by a flavorful orange cream cheese topping....

Grappa Infuso with Prickly Pear

Tidbits... The brilliant red-orange color of the ripe prickly pears tints the grappa a beautiful color and gives the infusion a sweet flavor. Use a...

Vanilla Buttercream Frosting

Tidbits... This buttercream frosting can be transformed into the flavor of your choice.  A couple of tablespoons of fruit, coffee, chocolate or  liquore will create...

Cranberry Orange Walnut Bread

Tidbits...Easy to assemble and full of flavor.  The beautiful red cranberries make this a festive addition to your Thanksgiving menu....